The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | The Internet Offends Me

Love it or hate it, Facebook is a big thing in our society. Something that big is going to have some really good things happening within. Unfortunately, something that big will also have some of the worst things imaginable within. It is, after all, made of people. The following blog post gives a glimpse behind the curtain of Facebook:


Imagine going to work every day and at the start of your day, with your first cup of coffee, you sit down to glance at be-headings, children in the process of being raped, human bodies in various stages of decomposition, the living and dead results of domestic violence, hanging bodies of 10 year old boys accused of being gay, real-life snuff films and bloody dog fighting rings and their subsequent results. Can you think up a human horror? I’ve probably seen it or a picture or video of something very similar. It’s fair to say that some of the people who work around me do not fare so well. Often they end up suffering from the endless barrage of horror they witness 8 to 12 hours per day. Did I share that *most* of these people make around a dollar per hour to do this job? That’s the truth. Not me though. I am an American who demands rights and all, so I make approximately $29 dollars per hour more than them. Technically, I don’t even have to do anymore than make sure they are clicking the buttons in the correct order. I don’t have to look at the images, but most of the time my focus on remaining unbiased in the face of, makes me do so anyway.

It’s Not All Blood and Guts, Sometimes it’s Worse…”

Read the full article here:The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | The Internet Offends Me.

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