Blue Screen of Death



    One of the most dreaded error messages for a Windows user is the blue screen, or the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) as it is popularly known, which suddenly pops up informing you that something is seriously wrong with Windows. What this screen essentially means is that Windows has crashed and needs to reboot to recover. The most powerful troubleshooting tool out there is Google. Type in the error code you are receiving and try to narrow down the results. Another user has almost certainly come across the same issue you are facing.

Problems causing BSOD:
The BSODs are generally associated with five problems faced by Windows:
-Software or device drivers may have a problem
-A hardware device is malfunctioning , or was removed while Windows was running, or does not fully support Windows. On older machines, outdated BIOS information can also cause errors.
-Hardware or hard disk errors during installation of Windows.
-Corrupted startup files, hardware, and driver software during Windows startup can also be the cause. This type of error will always require troubleshooting before Windows can start up normally.
-Intermittent errors that appear randomly. These can be caused by an overheating processor, a defective memory system, a dying or dead hard disk , or faulty software and device drivers.