Keep the “spam” in the can

I hate spam. I’m not a big fan of marketing in general, though I understand it is a necessary part of getting business. This may sound odd coming from someone who wants to help small to mid-sized businesses get online, but one does not automatically preclude the other. Online marketing and “SEO” can be effective and non-spammy; it just takes some work. I’ll be posting an article on this in a couple of days, but I want to refer you to this article by ZDNet SEO Whistleblower Stephen Chapman that really captures how I feel about spam and evil marketing in a manner far more eloquent that I ever could:
The guru facade: Internet marketing shams, flimflams and other BS.


Internet Connectivity Diagnostics

      I wish i would have found this troubleshooting guide sooner. Networking problems are a computer problem that i cannot simply solve by connecting remotely to a machine so i usually end up troubleshooting over the phone which isn’t the most convenient. This diagnostic map was put together by a networking tech support guru to whom i owe many thanks! Print off the map or view it on another computer while trying to solve internet connectivity issues.