PC Decrapifier

    When i get my hands on a new machine i immediately do a clean re-install of the operating system because of all the bloat-ware that comes installed by the manufacturer. This process can be daunting to the average user. The second best method for removing the unwanted, unnecessary, and space hogging software is PC Decrapifier. It does an excellent job of removing these programs with an easy click through menu that is rather speedy compared to manually going to the control panel and uninstalling one-by-one.

Importing Delicious tags into MarsEdit


For some time I’ve been wanting to move my blogging efforts over a desktop app, to be able to control multiple blogs from one place, and to search through and manage the content more easily.

The 2 main contenders that I could find for the Mac platform were Ecto and MarsEdit.  The latter seems to be considerably more actively maintained, has a slicker interface and was available for download on the Mac AppStore so I went with that.

The main feature I was missing in MarsEdit was the fairly comprehensive tag handling offered by WordPress.  The fact you can type only a few letters of the tag you need and it auto-completes is something you can’t do without once you get used to it.  The Delicious website and similar desktop tools all offer this functionality.

The first challenge was to get my data out of Delicious, not the links/bookmarks that are offered as their only export option but the actual tags.  Not surprisingly there’s a WP plugin for that, enter EG-Delicious Tags.

Once your tags are copied over to your WP installation you can access the data as a serialized array from the WP database, it’s in the options table under the key _transient_egdel_tags.

Then the data needs to be integrated with MarsEdit.  The app’s author, Daniel Jalkut, kindly explained which plist file within the app needs to be updated to enable the search auto-completion feature.

A simple PHP script was sufficient to deserialize the data and wrap it in XML tags:

$data = <<<DATA
a:773:{s:7:”_blogit”; …
$struct = (unserialize($data));
$keys = array_keys($struct);
$out = ”;
$out .=”\n”;
foreach ($keys as $tag) { $out .=”<string>$tag</string>\n”;}
print $out;

Add the XML to the relevant key and save out the DataSources.plist file and you’re done.

Power! It’s a good thing…

This has surely been written about somewhere, but I felt compelled to bring it up here: Power.

I’m talking about the power supply unit (PSU) in your computer. If you’re like me, you probably didn’t give much thought to that part of your hardware when you bought it. If you never open the case to add memory, disk drives, or extra cards, and only use USB components that have their own power source, then you are probably just fine.

But, just in case you are one of those folks who like to tweak things up a bit, I’d just like to add my two cents; check your power supply wattage.  Here’s why:

Every component you add to your computer, unless it has an external power supply, draws current from the PSU.  The PSU is rated for a certain number of watts, and the components use a certain number of watts (there are also amperage and voltage considerations, but those points are for another discussion).  The add-ins can use up a lot of watts quickly, and overloading your PSU can cause problems that may leave you wondering what is going on.  What’s more, you can permanently damage your computer!

You may think “But Jeff, I’ve got the best computer that (insert company name here) has for sale.  Certainly the PSU thingy will handle whatever I need it to do”.  Au Contraire, mon ami. Most computer manufacturers use the lowest wattage PSU they can get away with.  Why?  Cost control.  A 750 watt PSU from Newegg (great company, by the way) can cost up to $129.00.  A 300 watt PSU runs less than $30.00.  With economy of scale, it’s probably much less.  Besides, if a lower watt PSU can slowly erode your system’s innards, it won’t be long before you’ll be buying another computer; job security!  Don’t take my word for it, read your PSU tag yourself (yeah, you’ll probably have to open the case).  And, just to get an idea of how close you are to overloading, pop over to Newegg’s Power Supply Calculator and put in your system components as they are now, then re-calculate with one extra something (hard drive, video card, etc.) and see how much more power you’ll need.  The Antec site has a more technical version of the calculator.

Now, I’m not trying to make computer manufacturers out to be bad.  They have a business to run, and part of the ability to remain competitive is to contain costs.  Every penny counts, so matching PSU wattage to what is in the box is a reasonable way to save money.  And, it is likely that a considerable number of users will never add anything that overloads the PSU.  However, if you need more space for your family pictures or rapidly-expanding ITunes collection and decide to add an internal hard drive to your “Off The Shelf” computer, or you want to add a graphics card so you can watch YouTube videos on your flat-panel television, you should probably spring for a bigger PSU.  It will save you from problems later.

Networking the small and mid-sized business (SMB)

If your business is in the Small to Medium Business (SMB) range (10 to 100 employees), and computers are part of the work environment, you may want to ask yourself a couple of questions:  Do you have multiple instances of the same software spread throughout your plant? Maybe you have different versions of the same business documents on multiple computers, making the latest version difficult to track down.

If this sounds like your operation, you’re not alone.  Putting all your computers onto a network would give you better control of things.  But, mention the word “network” to some business owners and you can see their eyes glaze over at the thought of high-priced contractors, expensive hardware, and months of development.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  Networking has been an integral function of most operating systems since at least Windows NT (the underlying code base for every Windows since Windows 98).  And Unix (the daddy to Linux) was built for networking, so it should come as no surprise that Linux machines can talk to each other “out of the box”, after a little tweaking.  The hardest part of networking is figuring out exactly what you want to do with it.

In most cases, your networking needs will be few:

  • An email system so your employees can talk to each other and your business contacts
  • a file repository so that your people can store, find, and edit important documents
  • an application server so that you can have all your software in one place and keep it up-to-date easily (note, this doesn’t necessarily reduce your licensing fees, but it helps with application management)
  • a Database server so that you can maintain information easily.

This may sound like a lot for an SMB, but all these servers can live on one server.  Ok, that sounds confusing. It may help to know a little nomenclature.  There are two kinds of “server”; the actual hardware (computer), and the application software (program).  The hardware, if robust enough, can handle all the bullet-point items above and still function as a work station for someone.  It wasn’t always that way, but with new multi-core processors on the market in typical desktop computers, there is enough power to accomplish this type of multi-tasking.

There are advantages to networking, and with a little research you can probably accomplish the task in a few hours.  If you don’t have the time, or you just don’t trust yourself, you can always hire a contractor.  I know a guy…jeff@jeffdoesit.biz

How to install Windows 7 on a USB flash drive.

Anonymous asked:

“How do I install Windows7 on a USB key?” 

Optical drives are slowly being outdated with media being stored in the cloud (online). Thin notebooks and netbooks rarely come with a DVD drive anymore making the traditional disc install impossible. To overcome this obstacle I will explain how to turn a flash drive into a bootable installation medium. A program called WinToFlash makes this process pretty easy and today I will explain how to use the program.

Mashable Interview

I was fortunate enough to be interviewed on Mashable by Jolie O’Dell recently, cited as a “PHP expert” :-)

Here’s a full transcript of the original email interview, some responses make more sense in context:

Am running a bit behind but here are my answers for your interview, please let me know your feedback and if this gets published:

–What advice would you give to a developer just starting to learn PHP?

– keep on top of best practices including a healthy approach to security
– read the code of seasoned devs, there’s always a better/cleaner way to do things
– ensure your code is human readable, if you can’t understand it 6 months later, how will it be for other devs
– always try and simplify your interfaces, it’s much more difficult to write simpler code but consistent refactoring will save you a lot of time and headaches when it comes to maintenance
– don’t reinvent any wheels, you will always have more than enough to program, use reputable libraries whenever you can avoid writing the code yourself
– read up on some of the great programmers (eg: http://www.codersatwork.com/) and find out how they stayed passionate about the art of programming so many years later

–In your opinion, what’s PHP’s biggest strength? Biggest limitation?

I think it’s easier to start off with its biggest limitation first: so many people criticise PHP that you’d be tempted to think it’s a rubbish language; that couldn’t be further from the truth. The biggest limitation is _aspects_ of PHP are easier to learn than comparable aspects in other languages, so PHP attracts a lot of “developers” who don’t have a clue, write horrendous code, show their ignorance in forums and generally dangerously decrease the signal to noise ratio for the rest of us.

When I first started with PHP in 2000 I remember discovering of project by a German developer that struck me as very well designed yet according to the critics this should have been impossible:
– it was done in one of the earliest versions of PHP4 (4.0.0, released in 22 May 2000, http://php.net/releases/index.php) yet still displayed all the sophistication of someone who understood software engineering
– the language itself supposed had all sorts of limitations and defects that meant using it for OOP was technically impossible: wrong

See for yourself, still not updated since 2000 and still probably better than most PHP that gets written today:


The point is a simple one: if you’re a developer who has the discipline to learn about software development, PHP can be an excellent tool.

The strengths of the language are simple and obvious:
– it stays close to its C roots while removing some of the unnecessary pain points like memory management, pointers and the compile cycle
– the OOP implementation is simple, elegant and easier to read than its peers
– the Java mantra of “complexity at any cost” is nowhere to be found, concise method names are used throughout
– libraries and extensions exist for pretty much every technology on the planet
– hacking activity and community participation most likely the highest of any programming language

There are however a few difficult situations that are directly linked and result from the above positive list:
– there is too much choice when it comes to selecting a library or framework to work with, and the information available is often biased and unreliable (posted by teenagers) so a lot of time can be wasted searching for quality
– the core development team is somewhat hysterical and not professional at times which has resulted in backwards compatibility being broken often, and in unacceptable ways, and our current namespace implementation
– there currently isn’t any decent IDE for PHP, not something comparable to what’s available for Java. This became increasingly obvious when I got into Objective C and Mac development, Xcode really sets the standard. A new candidate that seems promising and is non-free is PHPstorm, so far I’ve found it a relief to use compared to Netbeans. Eclipse, on the Mac at least, I don’t think is even in the race.

–For more intermediate or advanced PHP devs, what are some tips that have helped you along the way?

One of the key problems with PHP is the absence of any authoritative standard library, something which is literally taken for granted in Java, Python, Ruby, Perl and others. PEAR could have been it, but Zend chose to fork for political reasons, now we have the Zend Framework which is not really a framework but more like a library, and it still has some serious quality consistency issues. It seems ZF will likely become the dominant PHP library, but work still needs to be done by the community to refactor the “frameworky” libraries, ie, those that have dependencies on Zend_Config, Zend_Registry, etc. Documentation for many of the ZF libraries is flaky and incomplete, often the comments contain the clues you need to get things working.

In terms of tips, I’d make the following suggestions for devs who are keen to move out of beginner status:
– don’t be afraid of using an interactive debugger, available in decent IDEs like PHPstorm and also Netbeans and Eclipse if you have the patience, this is the best way to understand what the code is doing. If you’re using print_r($foo) you’re a beginner.
– don’t be afraid of unit tests, not only will you have an easier time maintaining your codebase, but often unit tests are the best form of documentation for a codebase, and will allow new devs to get up to speed fast
– use some of the available static analysis and IDE tools to help you refactor your code, good code is not subjective!

–What’s the best app or most clever hack you’ve seen that uses PHP? (Links, please!)

Facebook? Although from the code leaked a few years ago, the quality was primitive.

Pandora Gadget (Vista/Win7)

I use a couple of Windows’ desktop gadgets for easy access to some frequently used tools; my favorite is Pandora’s desktop gadget. I listen to Pandora at work, at home, and on my HTPC. I get a ton of use out of this gadget and it makes listening to music seamless. Also, NO ADS!

1. The first step before downloading the gadget is signing up for an account if don’t already have one: Register Here

2. The next step is to make sure you have Adobe Flash installed for Internet Explorer: Download here

3. Download the Pandora desktop gadget here.

4. Sign in with your account

Move the gadget anywhere on your desktop (Sidebar only on Vista) by clicking and dragging in the upper right hand corner.

Enable the gadget to always be on top / adjust opacity by right clicking on the Pandora text at the top of the gadget.

*Pandora lets free account listeners listen to up to 40 hours of music per month. I surpass this limit quite often so i bypass this by having multiple accounts with different email addresses (Shhh don’t tell).

Windows HomeGroup

Anonymous asked:

“Is it possible to network a Windows7 Computer and a Window XP with Window 7 being the main one?”

Yes, Windows 7 makes this process very simple with a new feature called Homegroup. For this post I’m going to record a screen capture video on how to use HomeGroup: