Windows 11

Okay, so Windows 10 turns out to NOT be the last Windows ever, and in Micro$oft tradition Windows 11 is a bloated, invasive operating system that will sap your computer resources to the max. If you are in Ogemaw, Oscoda, Roscommon, or other regions within 50 miles of Rose City, MI, and are on Windows 10 you may need to assess your needs for upgrade before Windows 10 is no longer under Micro$oft support. This may require hardware replacement costing hundreds of dollars, a “hack” to make your current system accept the next Windows, or leaving Micro$oft altogether to use an open source, free to use Linux operating system with all the bells and whistles you need without the constraints and restraints that Micro$oft places on you. If you are looking toward the future and wish to consult with a knowledgeable source about your computing need in regards to operating systems you can get in touch at and I will be happy to help.

So This Is Happening

For the last seven years I’ve offered a website service wherein I provide a year of hosting, a domain name search, and the latest WordPress installation with theme configuration and initial SEO settings, for $180.00.  That’s super cheap and I believe it is a quick way for a person or business to achieve a web presence without the learning curve of doing it themselves.

I’ve had clients come and go, and those that let the hosting lapse have done so because they don’t see their site appear on Google.  Invariably, the lack of search engine traction is due to a lack of regular content addition.  Now, I do include training on the use of WordPress with my package, along with a discussion on the importance of posting to the site on a regular basis with two to three paragraphs of relevant, truthful, useful information in the blog section.  Without fail, it is that section of their site that remains fallow.  It seems that spending an hour a week adding something to their site is just not a priority.  And that’s a shame as no one would know more about their site subject than the owner, and spending four to five hours a month on self-marketing the business is far more cost effective than paying someone else to do it.

However, it seems that content creation and management is a viable service and one that I can provide.  For as little as $250.00 a month I will research and create content for your website for regular updates and posts.  I can also offer video creation in a range of production values for reasonable rates.  If you have an interest, see my pricing list here.