Basic Browser Keyboard Hotkeys to Improve Productivity (Windows)

I like to use the keyboard as much as possible because I find it to be faster than pointing and clicking the mouse/ track-pad. It may take a while to get used to keyboard hotkeys but you’ll be thanking me later. Here is a list of some browser hotkey’s I personally use:
Ctrl + T – Opens a new tab in your browser
Ctrl + N – Opens a new window
Ctrl + Tab – Navigates through tabs left to right(Hold Ctrl and tap Tab)
Ctrl + Shift+ Tab – Navigates backwards (right to left)
Ctrl + Page Up/ Page Down – Navigates through tabs Left/Right
Ctrl + (1, 2, 3… n) – Goes to the specific tab number
Ctrl + W – Closes tabs/ windows

Youtube Videos:
F5 – Skips commercials at the beginning of the video
Spacebar – Play/pause
Up Down Arrows- Adjusts volume
Left Right Arrows- Fast forward/ rewind

Test it out on the video below!

*Again, these are just a few hotkeys that i personally use. There are many, many more.