Anon on the U.S.

Our Founders and the Constitution – Why history matters.

I saw this posted to CraigsList and thought it worth sharing:

“When the founding fathers stood up to the king of England, and against all odds won freedom for the people of the United States of America. They took a lot of time, negotiation, and argument to create a Constitution guaranteeing freedom and liberty for the citizens of America.

They created a constitutionally limited republic form of government. Not a democracy as we have now. The president was not elected by the people, but instead by the electoral college. Our United States Senators were placed in office by our state government, and the highest office that we the people were supposed to vote for was was our representative in congress, and our states governor. The democracy that most love was left to the states.

The federal government was given only a few areas of authority by our Constitution. They include a defense of the union (not offense as we have today), a common currency, a court system to settle disputes between the states (not settle federal issues or civil litigation), and a post office. The rest was left to the states.

Why would they do that? Because they knew that an unbridled federal government would eventually grow into what they left in England, and much like we have today. They also knew that the best way to control a government was to keep it as close to home as possible where the citizens would be involved with it and control it.

They also left the role of the state government up to the people of the states to decide. If the people want social programs that take care of them from cradle to grave, they can have that. But if the people of another states don’t they can have that too. The federal government was never supposed to provide social programs for the people, that was left up to the states.

So what would it look like today if the Democrat and Republican parties and the PAC’s and Lobbyists that own them were never allowed to abandon our Constitution? Well, Washington DC would be a nice quiet place in the country except for the few weeks out of the year when congress was in session, our Department of Defense would be home defending our borders, not the borders of every nations that we control or want to, we would not be the target of terrorists around the globe, there would be no IRS and April 15th would be just another day, we wouldn’t be almost $34,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, and who our president is wouldn’t be that big of a deal because there wouldn’t very much that he or she could screw up.

So, if you like fighting about which party or president is better than another, please continue. But if you think America deserves better, please join me in NOT voting for Democrats, Republicans and the PAC’s and Lobbyists that own them. If you value freedom and liberty it is your only choice.

I wish you well!”

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